research paper prompts

Creating A Research Paper: How To Write The Background Of The Study

Throughout our lives and in particular our educational careers, when we focus on a specialty topic and begin to investigate more in depth topics that interest us, we will occasionally be required to create a research paper documenting our topic. An important part of this process is including a background of our investigative process that will outline the steps that led us to the point of documenting our work. This background information, will set the stage for the entire topic under discussion and is essential in order for the reader to understand your work.

Here are the key areas to include in your background section to ensure that the reader is prepared and orientated to the research you conducted.

Overview the beginning

When developing the background information of the study do not be intimidated by presenting too much information. For example, if you are researching the history of human and dog cohabitating then discussing how you have had a lifelong affinity for your four legged friend and became interested in how this particular animal became so common in the homes of people today is very relative to the background of your study.

Setting the stage with a heartfelt personal story is the best way to draw your reader in within the background of your research.

Outline the beginning research steps

Once you have highlighted why you choose the research topic, the next step is to outline your steps for researching. This could include things like visiting with veterinarians or dog trainers for this particular topic or it could be a detailed online search to find the starting points for your investigation.

Highlight the research path

As you move forward through the research process you will want to keep notes of the steps to your investigation which will then be used to compose the background. These steps will develop a detailed path for the reader to follow to understand why you choose those particular areas for your investigation including any possible dead ends. By providing this information your reader will not just see the end result of your work, they will also see the process by which you drew your conclusions.

Many people forget the importance of the background section of a research paper but without this section the reader will be left without important information needed to understand your work so be sure to highlight the beginning and all steps you took throughout our work.

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