research paper prompts

A List of Good Persuasive Research Paper Topics

Persuasive research papers are similar to argumentative papers. They do not require that the authors discuss the opposite points of view, but rather persuade the audience that the arguments supported by the authors are believable. Many students hate writing this kind of research paper, as they do not know how to write well and have trouble choosing topics.

When you are looking for a topic, you should keep in mind that in order to persuade your readers, a good research paper topic should state that your thesis statement is true and correct. It should be written in the form of a sentence as opposed to a question. You can take your time and brainstorm with your friends or groupmates to generate different topics and choose the best one. It is also a good idea to find several dozens of good topics online and pick the one you like.

The following list of fresh persuasive research paper topics is provided in order to help you come up with your own one.

  1. Too much chocolate increases your cholesterol levels.
  2. Drinking coffee is an essential part of people’s everyday routines.
  3. A person cannot feel happy without a friendship.
  4. People are responsible for global warning and climate change.
  5. The greenhouse effect is a result of significant deforestation.
  6. The Internet offers endless job possibilities for everyone.
  7. Terrorism is the most serious international problem.
  8. Human cloning provides great opportunities to discover new facts about our organisms.
  9. Human cloning violates human rights.
  10. It is wrong to add professors as friends on social networking websites.
  11. Marijuana should be legalized.
  12. Writing research papers is not an effective learning tool.
  13. Skiing is much cooler than snowboarding.
  14. Gender equality is a myth in developing countries.
  15. War conflicts are inevitable.
  16. Businesses should care about the natural environment.
  17. Printed books and magazines have no future.
  18. Computer games help children develop useful skills.
  19. Celebrities will not enjoy privacy, though they should be able to.
  20. Governments will not restrict fast food.
  21. People are responsible for their actions; there is no such thing as fate.
  22. Science can make human lives better.
  23. Nuclear power is relatively cheap and safe for the environment.
  24. In the future, tablets will be more popular than PCs.
  25. In big cities, every person should have access to free Wi-Fi Internet.

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