research paper prompts

How To Write A Sociology Research Paper: Improving Your Skills

The first thing is to learn to read a text or paper so that you can absorb the argument. A great deal depends on  your ability to remember what you’ve read and how you use it to complete your argument from start to finish.

How to improve your memory

  •         Analyze the headings and subheadings first to understand the direction of the text.
  •        Make short notes of one or two words
  •        Turn subject headings into questions
  •          Don’t try to learn by repetition and by heart, instead question and consider the results.

Clarify the options

  •        Try to formulate a central argument.
  •         Figure out the direction you want to go.3
  •          Make sure you read and reread texts at least once.
  •        Make notes after you have read each chapter.

Resist the temptation to procrastinate

  •         Don’t put off reading texts and a lot enough daily time for reading.
  •          Read for 60 minutes at a time and then take a break.
  •          Make sure you a lot time each day for physical exercise to keep alert.
  •        Test yourself to see what you have remembered.
  •          Sociology involves understanding given phrases and concepts.
  •         Learn to think and write as a sociologist .Read different works.

Write an initial draft for your paper as soon as you can

  •         Write and initial introduction with subheadings
  •          Think of the audience you are writing for.
  •          Take breaks to let your mind work
  •         Revise and rewrite what you have written.
  •         Stick to the assigned length of your paper.
  •         Make sure you develop a strong thesis. Know where you are going.
  •        Avoid disconnected thoughts and arguments follow a logical progression.

 Use  quotations and subheadings to develop you thesis

  •         Your first statement needs to be a declaration.
  •         Make sure all the observations support your thesis.
  •         Question each point to establish its validity.
  •        Use the flexibility of your computer to move ideas around and store data.
  •        Paraphrase what you have read over the course and use attributable quotes.
  •        Never attempt to  plagiarize or cut and paste from texts claiming it as your own work.
  •        Try to be original.

Always support your arguments with quotes and evidence

  •    Use your imagination to develop questioning and dialogue.
  •    Write  your introduction last.

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