research paper prompts

Finding Good Examples Of Argumentative Research Papers

An argumentative research paper is designed to take a topic of controversy and present evidence to support one side or another. It is a fairly easy essay to write once you know how to set it up. It is a little different from other five paragraph essays in that it adds an additional essay that presents the case for the opposing view. That would bring the paragraph count to at least six.

There are several ways to handle the additional paragraph. Positioning of this paragraph is very important. The best way to learn how to write this type of essay is to read an example argumentative essay to get an idea of what is expected of you. There are several places that you may be able to locate a copy of an argumentative essay to use as an example.

Writing Service

Professional writing service companies will present example papers to showcase their talent. You can get a copy of a professionally written argumentative essay from one of these services right online. The service is free from most professional writing service companies because it is a promotional tool.

Writing resource

There are resource books that you can find or purchase that describe in detail about how to write any kind of essay that you would need to write. They also include examples because it’s the best way to show someone how to write a certain kind of essay. The best thing about using this kind of tool is that they usually include notes that can be helpful to understanding the various elements of this type of essay.

Writing lab

Since an example essay is so important, you can access a copy of many different types of essays through your writing lab. They usually will keep copies of prior student’s papers so that they can be used by other students. The best part about using this resource is that the teacher that graded the paper and gave it an “A” could be your teacher.


There are PDF files on the internet that you can obtain. These are great resources. You can just search argumentative essay and then look for a file to download. Be careful though. Anyone can post things on the internet so you have to make sure that you are using a credible source.

There are so many ways to obtain a copy of an argumentative essay. You can find a copy to use as a guide very easily.

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